Friday, March 23, 2007

I Think I'll Stick With The Tree-Based Stuff

Elephant Poo Poo Paper

At least now, when someone says your writing stinks, you have a cop-out excuse!

Friday, March 16, 2007

I Love People. They're Funny.

From today's Rolling Stone newsletter:

ELTON JOHN's upcoming headlining appearance at the Plymouth Jazz Festival in the Caribbean nation of Tobago is facing protests from church leaders who worry John will influence the country's sexual orientation.

Isn't there some remote continent with padded walls, lots of quiet, and nurses who bring the red and blue pills every six hours, that we can move these people to?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Chiquita Bin Laden?

When you were a kid, did you ever use a banana as a pretend gun?

Apparently you knew more about bananas than you were letting on.

Chiquita charged in terror investigation

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Posting SOMETHING, At Least...

Wow! I haven't posted a blog entry in over a month. What an empty, boring, little life I lead. Okay, that's not true. It's just been really busy.

So.. 'sup?

Rob & Amber (or Romber as the entertainment media calls 'em. Or Rob and Ambah, as Rob calls them) just got eliminated from the Amazing Race. Hahahahaha. Yay! Karma's a beyotch, boy!

See what happens when I don't post? Britney Spears shaves off all her hair and embarks on a yo-yo-like excursion through L.A.'s finest rehab centers.

I've been filling up the iPod with some good stuff (yes. yes. In my opinion). Gruff Rhys' "Candylion", !!!'s "Myth Takes", Of Montreal's "Hissing Fauna...", Lily Allen's "Alright, Still", Arcade Fire's "Neon Bible", Apples In Stereo's "New Magnetic Wonder", and Norah Jones' "Feel Like Home". Good stuff.

Speaking of filling up the iPod, did you know Costco rocks? They sell $50 iPod gift cards for $44.

Got a new 37' Sharp Aquos LCD flatscreen TV this past week. To quote Borat: "Niiiiiice". Finally figured out how to run our cable box through the AV to get surround sound from TV shows. Again, all togehter class: "Niiiiiice".

The application I work on survived the premature Daylight Savings Time shift. I still think DST is useless and stupid and extending it is just another sign that our current government has virtually shaved off all of its hair and is hopping from rehab center to rehab center.

There. That should make up for a month's lack of posts. I feel better now. Don't you?