So. is good. Yes. is also a free-for-all of every example of bad HTML imaginable. Some pages harken back to the old, old Internet days of "Hi! This is my home page".
The worst offenders (in my opinion, of course):
- Bad colors schemes - hot pink can be cute. On top of a black ground on a computer monitor, however... hot pink can be painful. Choose complimentary colors.
- Pictures. We got pictures. Lots n' lots n' lots of pictures. Some pages are so choke full of photos, all haphazardly arranged that 1) the page takes a day-and-a-half to load and 2) it's virtually impossible to navigate once the pictures are loaded. Consider using a table and smaller thumbnails.
- Speaking of tables. If you're gonna use a table, make sure you rows and cells fit within the table. I've seen one too many sites where, because of bad table usage, half of your page is off the screen. It's enough that I have to scroll down, I don't also wanna have to scroll left and right.
- Fonts. Big, ugly, painful fonts. Please choose fonts that fit on the screen. We know you're a happy and joyful person, but your choice of fonts shouldn't really help convey that message. The content of your page will convey it well enough as well as that picture you smiling for the camera.
- Javascript. Whooooa boy. There's one HUGE violation of Javascript I've seen many times. The dreaded font hover. The font may look normal, but when you hover over it Look out!. Javascript effects should be subtle. Just enough to give it your page a kick. Not kick the viewer in the face.
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