There's a long-running joke in L.A. about Summer. Whereas other cities usually spend Summer suffering in heat mixed with massive lung-clogging, sweat-preventing humidity, L.A. Summers are dry.
On a hot day, you'll usually hear the comment: "Yes, it's hot. But it's a dry heat".
Well, today's "dry heat" felt hot enough to make small children spontaneously burst into flame, turn swimming pools into boiling pots of water, and successfully burn away any will to live beyond the comfort of air conditioning.
Today, Burbank was 110 degrees. One hundred TEN degrees. A record. Burbank usually doesn't get any hotter than 99 degrees during a normal summer. And 110 degrees was on the coolish side. Woodland Hills, smack at the west end of the San Fernando Valley (or as I'm calling it, Death Valley Part Deux), hit 119 (119!!!!) degrees.
This stuff's gotta end and it's gotta end SOON. This ain't dry heat. This is die heat.
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