Monday, June 04, 2007

L.A. Is Crawlin' With Celebs

Yesterday I went to Pinkberry1 to get some yogurt for my wife. Guess who's standing behind me? C'mon. Guess!

Ali Larter!2

Very cool.

1 Pinkberry is a chain of minimalist yogurt shops in L.A. They only serve two flavors: regular (looks like vanilla, but has a tart berry taste) and green tea. You can also select from a variety of toppings, including fresh fruit, chocolate chips, and some kiddie cereals (like Cap'n Crunch). Let Wikipedia guide you to enlightenment.

2 Ali who? She's Nikki/Jessica on Heroes. You know... the one who can care for her kid and break someone's spine in two all at the same time.

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