She brought an unparalled level of egotism to the house. Clothes labelled with every variation of "Jen" - "Jensa Member", "Jenius", "Jenocide". Crying real tears over her picture on the houseguest wall. Alienating all the other houseguests right off-the-bat by talking about nothing but herself.
Narcissus, we found you a girlfriend.
She tried to come off as not caring about whatever happened. Yet she struck me as one of those people whose so insecure and full of anger that the only way they know how to deal with it is to swallow the anger and brush it off with a forced smile and lots of "whatever". The underlying cauldron of anger finally leaked out when Dick (who was merciless to Jen the entire show) started blowing smoke in her face. The expression of rage, hate, pain, and anger was scary.
She made me fear for the boyfriend that dares break up with her. "Fatal Attraction" anyone?
I half-expect her to hide in the bushes outside the Big Brother house, armed with a rifle, picking off one evicted houseguest after another while Julie Chen cowers behind the couch.
Of course you're thinking Amber would be the one to snap. But Amber doesn't bottle her emotions. She cries when she thinks about her daughter. She cries when someone says something mean. She cries because the katsup is in the fridge. She cries when she thinks about crying. When you're always venting your emotions, you're probably not going to snap.
Instead, you're going to have visions from God that you won't get evicted that week.
Okay. Maybe she has snapped.

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