Now, the bad news: The hurricane's name is.... ready?... FLOSSIE.
Hurricane Flossie.
That just doesn't sound right. Like naming a hurricane Bozo or Mookie. All fine names, indeed, but not for hurricanes. Hurricanes are powerful, destructive blasts of weather. They should have mean, destructive names. Hurricane Bin Laden. Hurricane Muthaf***ah. Hurricane Kissyoassgoodbye. Hurricane Bush. Got the idea?
I Googled "Flossie" and found this:

Flossie and The Singing Sisters.
Does Flossie look like somebody who could take lives and destroy towns? She looks like a nice, friendly, probably very talented singer.
Naming a hurricane Flossie makes you think that, instead of wanting to destroy your home and everything you've worked for, this hurricane wants to come over, chat, have some tea and those little cucumber sandwiches and maybe sing some gospels with you. So misleading.
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