Monday, September 05, 2005

Sometimes Mistakes Are Cool

A local Costco made a boo-boo and we took advantage of it.

As many of you fellow CD/DVD junkies know, new content is released on Tuesdays. Well, one of the things slated for this Tuesday is Charmed - Season Two on DVD.

Except we were at this particular Costco on Saturday and what was out on the shelf? Charmed - Season Two on DVD. At first, the staff realized their mistake and thought they might not be able to sell us the set. But after checking, they let us buy it (after realizing they had already sold five copies). So, we've been enjoying it several days before it's actually for sale.

Happened once before -- I was able to get a copy of "Se7en" a few days before it's street date.

These are the mistakes it's okay to take advantage of. No harm done to anyone.

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