Thursday, January 18, 2007

Next Time, On A Very Special Celebrity "Intervention"

So I'm sitting here watching E! Television (not my choice... but I'm too lazy to grab for the remote) and it's reporting on nothing but Lindsey, Britney, and Paris.

Show of hands: who's tired beyond tired of those three names? I can understand why the entertainment shows focus on them. TV loves to document celebrities imploding under the weight of their problems. TV has no sympathy or concern for them. It gets off watching the day-to-day decline: drunk here, rehab there, firecrotch here, no panties there.

But enough's enough. It's just plain boring. I'm glad Lindsey's checked into rehab. If you strip away the celebrity, she's a girl from a very broken home (c'mon - Dad's been to jail). She's has been thrust into the celebrity machine with a lot of money, no privacy, and no therapy. Of course she's gonna snap. Of course she's going to drown her pain by partying like a maniac. I wish her the best and hope she comes out healthy and happy.

I know entertainment news shows are not expected to report on world events like Iraq and who might be running for President in 2008 (which can't come soon enough), but there's a LOT more going on in Hollywood than Lindsey, Britney, and Paris. For once I'm actually thankful the awards shows are coming up (the Globes just finished, the Oscars coming up) -- it distracts the TV machine from it's current prey.

1 comment:

Ophelia Mourne said...

I couldn't agree with you more