Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Feeling

Ya ever had to accomplish one of those big, multi-day tasks that, once you complete it, your brain refuses to acknowledge that you completed it?

So you spend every few hours thinking "Oh, man, I gotta do... wait. I did and I don't have do it anymore".

That brief feeling of euphoria is great! It's like waking up thinking you have to go to work only to realize it's Saturday.

Finally finished clearing out our storage facility on Saturday after several weeks of getting stuff out. Now, every time I think I need to get more stuff out of storage this week, I get that euphoric feeling when I realize I don't have to!


1 comment:

Leafs Fan said...

I've had that before (usually after final exams).

Today, opposite feeling. Woke up annoyed, thinking fried cell phone. Then joy, when I realized it worked!