Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy 2008

Yes, it's been awhile since I last blogged. Instead of blogging, I thought December would be better served by getting a nasty case of bronchitis that quickly spiraled into pneumonia and a 6 day stay in the hospital. Fortunately, I got out the day before Christmas and have been getting better ever since!

So, it's 2008! Aren't you excited it's 2008?

You know what's great about 2008? A little sumpin' sumpin' in November called the Presidential Elections! Eight years of neverending abuse of the country is coming to an end. And my boy, Barack, has already won one caucus (Iowa) and is the front runner in New Hampshire. I've not felt this much hope for our country since Bill Clinton first ran for President.

Let's hope this means 2009 brings about the beginning of the end of our travesties in Iraq and the safe return of our troops.

2008 also brings a fresh Summer Olympics. Of course, I don't watch a single event. I'm one of those "watch the opening ceremonies, watch the closing ceremonies, keep up with the medal counts in the paper" kind of people. But still, here's to the Olympics being safe and successful. If atheletes from around the world can play and co-exist peacefully, why can't governments?

The end of this month finally brings Season 4 of Lost. Of course, the writers strike has cut the season in half. But even a little taste is better than no taste at all.

Here's wishing your 2008 turns out to the be the best year you ever had!

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