Monday, February 04, 2008

I'll Take "Duh" For $1,000 Alex

So, the following is only being discovered NOW? Study finds U.S. music awash in booze and drugs

Speaking of "Duh", I tried out for Jeopardy. The initial test is an online quiz where you're given 50 questions with 15 seconds to answer each question. 15 seconds is not a lot of time. I know I don't have a chance of moving forward. Questions I knew the answer to under normal circumstances (i.e. had more than 15 seconds to answer), became strange, foreign, bizarre questions with answers that eluded me. By the end of the quiz, which took no more than 13 minutes, left me tired and disoriented.

You'd be able to tell me if I made it on the show -- I would be the one with the "deer caught in headlights" stare, answering "What is pudding?" to every question.

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