Monday, June 30, 2008

Around The State In A Day

Had a really cool adventure on Saturday.

The religious organization I belong to, SGI (Soka Gakkai International), sent a bunch of us to San Francisco for a big kickoff meeting. We left L.A. at 11 PM Friday night, spent the day in San Francisco, then were back in L.A. by 11 PM Saturday night.

That means in a 24 hour period, we were on a bus for 14 of those hours. It takes approximately seven hours to get from L.A. to S.F. (driving at legal speeds, mind you).

We arrived at the San Francisco Community Center around 6:30 AM, where we could freshen up and have something to eat. Then they sent us to the Golden Gate Bridge for a group photo. Normally, you think one would be a little annoyed when half the bridge was enshrouded in fog, but it seemed appropriate for San Francisco. After that, it was across the bay to Oakland for the big meeting (which was both wonderful and inspirational), followed by a looooong one mile walk to a park for lunch and jazz music. Then it was back on the bus.

An absolutely wonderful, if wirlwindish, experience!

The San Francisco Culture Center

The Golden Gate Bridge

The meeting -- they gave us T-Shirts with a Harley Davidson-esque logo. Very cool.

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