Sunday, July 31, 2005

Music Critics Be Damned

Fergit all them "official" music critics. Full of bombastic prose, pretentious lessons in rock history, and a sense of "know-it-all"-ness, which never really answers the one, burning question: Did you like the CD or not?

You want a good criticism of new CDs that you can trust? Why not read what your peers are thinking. Why not add your own voice into the fray to help the next curious music buyer.

Check out Rate Your Music where you can review pretty much every album in existence. You don't necessarily need to WRITE a review. You can simply indicate how many stars (the traditional one to five) you think the CD deserves. All the reviews are compiled into rankings per year, so you can see what your fellow music lovers' combined Top 10 list is.

A far more valuable tool for finding out if a CD is good or bad (without all the unnecessary padding and bombast).

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