Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's Official: Los Angeles To Be Renamed Los Fuegos

(Psst. Los Fuegos means "The Fires".)

The past week, Los Angeles has been freezing. Frigid. Cold. Icy.

How cold?


It has been so hot that within five minutes of going outside, your will to live has melted away, leaving you a wasted, useless wreck the rest of the day.

Usually, Labor Day is a great three-day weekend to get out, barbeque, have fun, and bid adieu to Summer. This year it's a three-day weekend to cower near the air conditioner, barbeque (using an oven), barbeque (yourself. Not food), and watch small children and the elderly burst into flames when they step outside.

It. Is. Miserable.

Right now, it is 11:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time and Burbank is a brisk 91 DEGREES. Where's my jacket?? (Straightjacket, that is).

1 comment:

JudgeDanny said...

Dude, I really can't agree with you more!!!! It's damn miserable!! even with the portable A/C running, it just doesn't get cool enough!!!!!!

This is one of the few times where I'll be glad I'm at work tomorrow :)